Lane’s razor:
Given that there are infinite probabilities for every finite possibility throughout the omniverse, a most likely answer to any multiple choice question will quite often be...
“All of the above”.
Given that there are infinite probabilities for every finite possibility throughout the omniverse, a most likely answer to any multiple choice question will quite often be...
“All of the above”.
Upon deeper investigation, I think you too will find, the answerer quite often is “all of the above”
Through many years of deep introspective soul searching as well as in depth meta-research and comparative study of the worlds religions, spiritual traditions, scientific beliefs and mythologies, I’ve arrived at what I think is an interesting perspective.
Its sort of my own equivalent to Occam's razor.
I refer you to Wikipedia for a concise definition:
“Occam's razor (or Ockham's razor ), often expressed in Latin as the lex parsimoniae, translating to law of parsimony, law of economy or law of succinctness, is a principle that generally recommends selecting the competing hypothesis that makes the fewest new assumptions, when the hypotheses are equal in other respects. For instance, they must both sufficiently explain available data in the first place.”
Occam's razor is often over simplified and inaccurately stated as "the simplest explanation is most likely the correct one".
So my version goes like this:
Lane’s razor:
Given that there are infinite probabilities for every finite possibility throughout the omniverse then the most likely answer to any multiple choice question will quite often be “all of the above”.
It seems that many people today want to synthesize, filter and simplify all available data till it conforms to their convictions and fits nicely within the parameters of their chosen theories. It doesn’t really seem to matter what the area of study is either. Philosophers, scientists, theologians and conspiracy theorists, exopoliticians or fairyologians, demonology, ufology or any other kind of ology you can think of. Our world offers an endless variety of unexplainable phenomenon. This is a world of monumental diversity and everyone seems to want to neatly place it all within their own particular theoretical box of choice. In this world of unlimited possibility one size will certainly never fit all.
The brain specialist will tell you quite confidently that everything you're experiencing is due to a complex soup of excited brain chemicals that are the source of all of your experiences. It's all in your head you see, you were never really outside of your body. The alien abduction researcher will tell you that you are definitely being abducted and that they're probably trying to harvest your soul's energy or start an entirely new race of alien/human high breeds. Then those that believe in the elves and fairies will tell that your abduction experience is of course just the fairy people who have been abducting people rather mischievously for thousands of years. Of course your Christian theologians will tell you that you’ve obviously been taken over by demons or the fallen angels.
Brain chemistry, shadow people, elves and gnomes. It doesn't stop there you know, there is the whole realm of conspiracy theories.
What if, it’s all true?
Given that there are infinite probabilities for every finite possibility throughout the omniverse then the most likely answer to any multiple choice question will quite often be “all of the above”.
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